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Sunny Bank Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Hathaway Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 8EQ

0161 766 2121



Our Computing Lead is Miss Gilmore. 


Technology is changing the lives of everyone. Through teaching computing, we equip our children to participate in a rapidly changing world where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology. As well as having the knowledge to enable them to stay safe online beyond the school environment, making informed and safe decisions about the information they share and how they conduct themselves in a digital world.

It is our intention to enable children to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. We also focus on developing the skills necessary for children to be able to use information in an effective way.

Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners and it is our intention that children have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this.

We aim to prepare out children for a world where the jobs they will be going into are technology rich and not yet even conceived.

Junior Jam Computing incorporates coding, robotics, computer hardware and research projects to stimulate and challenge pupils whilst fulfilling the criteria of the Computing National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2 in England.



Our computing curriculum is taught using the support of Junior Jam and covers all areas of the National Curriculum. It is also supported and implemented across the curriculum through the use of a wide range of apps that enrich the curriculum, as well as providing all children with access to the curriculum.

Pupils learn the value of a multidisciplinary approach as they develop their logic and creativity through tasks that require them to draw on their mathematical, scientific and design technology skills. Each child creates programs, systems and a range of content as evidence of their progress and attainment. Pupils work with a partner on iPads and learn how to navigate iOS, IT skills, and how to save and organise work in a logical manner. Our team of expert Technola instructors work closely with pupils to help tailor the course to individual strengths and needs, with a high degree of flexibility and autonomy focused on creating the best outcomes for each child.

Computing is divided into three key strands: Computer Science and Information Technology and Digital Literacy.

Computer Science is underpinned by several key themes.

  1. Programming languages: Theoretical - Graphical - Hybrid - Textual
  2. Controlling physical and simulated systems: On device - Remotely - Construct system & manipulate directly.
  3. Debugging: This is a fundamental part of the coding process that occurs naturally as programmers make mistakes and take steps to rectify them. We teach pupils to problem-solve by encouraging pupils to have a go, make mistakes and learn how to fix them. Helping our children to build creative thinking and resilience.

Information Technology and Digital Literacy

  1. Content: Consume - Interact - Create - Research and create
  2. Internet Safety: Embedded - Distinct


Assessment: We use formative assessment to inform and shape classroom practice on a daily basis, as well as technology enhanced learning to enable pupils and teachers to understand and evaluate progress in real time. This uses three aspects

  1. Self and peer-assessment: Pupils work in small groups and develop collaborative and reflective skills.
  2. Class discussion: We use whole-class discussion as the basis for many starter and plenary activities.
  3. Automatic feedback: Though the use of iPads and cutting-edge software pupils receive instant, in-app feedback on their work.
  4. Summative assessment: Summative assessment is carried out via a combination of controlled progress quizzes and practical exercises assigned on an individual basis.



Our children are confident using a wide range of apps and tools and are independent learners, who value online safety. They have a sound knowledge of online safety and explain with confidence how to keep themselves safe and what to do if they find themselves in a situation they are not comfortable with online.

Through the three strand approach to the computing curriculum, we have children that are creative in their approach to learning, enjoy problem solving and resilient. These skills are a wider reaching impact into the other curriculum areas.

Our children’s skills continue to grow and they support each other in their learning. They are independent learners who enjoy learning new skills and rise to new challenges, drawing on previous learning and skills.

Please see these documents below for Online Safety: 

 online safety 10.pdfDownload
 online safety 2.pdfDownload
 online safety 3.pdfDownload
 online safety 4.pdfDownload
 online safety 5.pdfDownload
 online safety 6.pdfDownload
 online safety 7.pdfDownload
 online safety 8.pdfDownload
 online safety 9.pdfDownload
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