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Sunny Bank Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Hathaway Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 8EQ

0161 766 2121



Starting school for the first time is a very important step for both a child and the parent or carer. 


Please see our prospectus for up-to-date information about our school: 

If you have any questions please contact the school office:

Reception Class Intake

Children are usually admitted to school into the Foundation Stage (Reception class) in the September of the school year during which they become five.

We want your child to enjoy the first days in school, making the transition from home or nursery to school as smooth as possible, so in addition to looking around the school with the Head Teacher prior to application, new Reception Parents are invited to an evening meeting during the Summer Term prior to children starting school. 

We will also visit your child at nursery or at your home which helps us to gain additional information about your child. 

Arrangements are also made during the Summer term for your child to make pre-school visits to come into their future classroom, meet their future class teacher and future fellow classmates in  order to promote as smooth and trouble-free induction as possible. 

Open Day 

We feel it is important that you get to know us and the school so we would love to welcome you to visit us before your child starts school. 

Open days for Reception  will be announced in autumn term. 

The Application Process

If you live in the Bury area then Bury Local Authority is responsible for Reception admission procedures. Parents/carers are asked to complete and return a form online stating their three preferences of primary school.

If you live outside the Bury area you must apply through your local authority's admission process.

Primary School Admissions


Full details of policy and procedures are set out in the ‘Admission to Schools in Bury’ booklet on the Local Authority website. Please see below for details:

Copies of this booklet are also available by telephoning the main council number 0161 253 5000. 


The online applications system for children due to start in Reception in September 2025 is now closed. 

Closing date for applications to the Local Authority: Now closed for September 2025 entry

Offers of places will be notified by the Local Authority in April each year.

In Year Intake

If you would like to apply for a school place outside of the September Reception intake, please contact the school office on 0161 766 2121 for details of class sizes and availability. Once you know there is an available place you need to apply formally through Bury Council via the following link:

Parents and children transferring from another school are encouraged to visit the school for a pre-transfer welcome visit to ensure they have all the information required prior to starting.

Transition to High School

The transition of our children to High School is a very important stage in a child’s school career. The catchment area high schools for Sunny Bank Primary School are primarily Unsworth Academy and Philips High School. Some children from Sunny Bank also move on to attend Bury Church School, Bury Grammar School and other grammar schools further afield.

All high schools organise Open Days and evenings plus formal transition days during the summer. Children from Sunny Bank often attend many curricular and sporting events at Unsworth Academy  during the course of the academic year, which ensures familiarity with the high school staff and children from other schools who will also be attending.

Staff from each High school will also visit our children at Sunny Bank during the summer term as they ‘get to know them.’ They will also liaise with key staff in school in support of the transition process.

Where Sunny Bank staff or parents feel their child may need extra support with the transition process in terms of greater familiarisation with the layout of the building, routines and relationships, extra sessions are planned in liaison with the chosen High School.


Please see our Statutory Policies page for further information regarding admission arrangements including our oversubscription criteria. 


The admission arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code and the School Admissions Appeal Code