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Sunny Bank Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Hathaway Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 8EQ

0161 766 2121



Our newsletters give you a flavour of some of the activities that have taken place at Sunny Bank. They may also provide reminders of forthcoming events.

Please see the links below for the latest school newsletters.  We email parents and carers with copies of the newsletter once published, however paper copies are always available from the school office so please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like a copy. 


For the Vision MAT CEO newsletters, please click here.

Sunny Bank Newsletters

 10 Sept 2021 Newsletter.pdfDownload
 17 Sept 2021 Newsletter.pdfDownload
Showing 131-132 of 132

Class Newsletters

Showing 71-76 of 76